8 Reasons MEDITATION is GOOD for You

You probably read a lot about meditation in those days. It's popular topic. Well... there is a reason. Meditation can give you much more than you think. Let's get started...

1. Inflamation

Inflamation is a driver to many disseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disseseases, diabetes even cancer and can be triggered by food, stress or enviroment.

Meditation can stimulate protein called NF-kB, which can regulate the inflamation in your body.

2. Immunity

Again - stress life can supress your immune system and meditation can help here as well, because it can help to stimulate your immune system in a good way.

3. Longer life

Telomers are endings of the chromosoms of DNA, which has direct impact on the lenghts of the life. Longer telomers are better and meditatioon can helps to reduce cell stress, which leds to longer telomers.

4. Anxiety

Our brain triggers anxiety feelings. It's much more easily triggered when we are in the stress all the time.

Meditation stimulates that part of the brain, that can calm you down and helps with anxiety.

5. Good mood

Depression and bad mood is usually treated by medications, which has a lot of side effects, but meditation can help you to stimulate that part of the brain, that gives you happines and good mood.

6. Focus

We are living in the world, when we are online all the time. You phone rings, e-mails and other notifications can find you anywhere. This leeds to lack of focus. Daily meditation can helps you to stay focused and even improve your memory.

7. Neuroplasticity

We need to stimulate our brain with new things all the time in order to stop degradation. Meditation stimulates brain to work which can help with neuroplasticity.

8. High blood pressure

Even high blood pressure can be regulated via meditation. We are living in epidemy of this health problem and calming down during meditation significantly lowers your blood pressure.

I believe it's worth a try. So take your time, sit and give yourself the luxury of a time for yourself.


Information sources:

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